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About The Forever Word

I’m a Christian who loves God and my family. I’m a Mother of 2 beautiful children, a 6 year old daughter and almost 2 year old son. I’m addicted to Digital Scrapbooking and Photography. I also love cooking, baking, gardening and anything that makes me excite like Blogging and travel!

WordPress Templetes

If I’m not mistaken I’ve been blogging for about 5 years now. At the beginning I don’t know how to blog at all. I get to know a lot of friends online and they help me how to start blogging. I started blogging using BlogSpot. It was friendly user so I learned so fast and blogging has been part of my life since then. I became addicted. Sometimes I miss updating my blogs though when I’m too busy at work. I’m still blogging until now and can you believe that I have 10 active blogs. Yes 10 blogs! I love taking pictures and most of my blogs are pictures too. It’s nice to read blogs when there are pictures to look at.
By the way most of my blogs are now having domain. I still have 2 blogs at BlogSpot but the rest of my domain blogs are now using wordpress platform. I’m using wp blog themes with my most domain blogs. I just love worpress you know. If you are wordpress user I’m sure that you know about free templetes and you can even modified it to your liking. You can change the color and create your own header. That’s what I do with my blogs! WordPress themes are the best.


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