My husband is a gadget fanatic. He loves even smaller tools that you wouldn’t think would be of much use to anyone. But he says you can always find a use for even the silliest looking tools. After all, that’s what they were designed for.
I remember one example being a pencil torch that he purchased years ago. It was designed to be a soldering tool. Now there are normal electric soldering irons out there. But my husband insists that there is always a better way to do something. Hence, he bought this gas pencil torch for his soldering projects.
I could go on with all the rest of the bright ideas that he has had: from the different kinds of box cutter he thought he’d try out to the tape dispenser (that didn’t work out too well). Even though not every idea of his has made it to the all-time favourite list, that is not about to stop him from experimenting with even zanier ideas of his.