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About The Forever Word

I’m a Christian who loves God and my family. I’m a Mother of 2 beautiful children, a 6 year old daughter and almost 2 year old son. I’m addicted to Digital Scrapbooking and Photography. I also love cooking, baking, gardening and anything that makes me excite like Blogging and travel!

Archive: ‘Autos’

5th wheel warranty

Friday, October 21st, 2011

Our van has been very good to us as a family vehicle and all around transportation provider.  We have had it for over eight years now, and although we have had some minor repair bills for it due to an unfortunate fender-bender and a few other mechanical issues, it has served us very well.  It’s actually ten years old now, as we bought it used from the dealer.  So it is one of the older cars on the road as cars go these days.

Being as old as ten, it’s probably going to require a little more care than when it was younger.  For example, it even appears to remind us of that by making sure the check engine light comes on faithfully when we least expect it.  It might be time to look into getting a 5th wheel warranty.   But we hope to have it for a few more years yet, and hope that it continues to give us many miles more.

roadside assistance club

Sunday, May 22nd, 2011

We used to own 2 cars but we gave up one 2 years ago because we can’t afford to pay for two cars. At least now we are done paying with the other car. We kept the bigger car for our family. It’s perfect for traveling but this car is really old now and we probably replace it for a new one. I don’t know when but for now I need to buy some kind of roadside assistance club so that when we travel in a long distance we will be safe and get help as soon as possible. In my previous experience it was kind of pain you know when you don’t get help right away so now I know!

“New Ferrari Exhaust”

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Ferrari exhaust is the best system that money can buy. You drive a car because you care about how you arrive – in style. It is the best of worlds to have your cake and eat it too.

There are a lot of options for you these days in terms of parts and components for you baby. Where are you going to look for the best parts? There are places on the web for you to look without you even having to drive down to the local garage. You just key in your part, and off you go. It’s truly the best of both worlds.

Here is how to get a deal on the part you are looking for. Follow you passion for driving by a passion for finding only the best parts online.

We can say that a car is an extension of one’s personality. It reflects a person’s attitudes and thoughts about where they are in life and where they are going. You know that if you own a Ferrari. It just makes sense to have an idea about where your parts are coming from as well.

There are plenty of places to go online for your shopping convenience. But there are only a few that really measure up to your Ferrari’s exacting detail and precision.


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