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About The Forever Word

I’m a Christian who loves God and my family. I’m a Mother of 2 beautiful children, a 6 year old daughter and almost 2 year old son. I’m addicted to Digital Scrapbooking and Photography. I also love cooking, baking, gardening and anything that makes me excite like Blogging and travel!

dedicated hosting

I remember when I bought my first computer. It was a Macintosh. I didn’t know much about computers at the time. I learned it all from scratch without going to school. And the Macintosh was the computer that I learned on.

It was easier to learn on the Macintosh than on the PC. I learned how to type and I got used to the keyboard. It was at that time too, that the internet came along, so I had to get connected and learn as well how to email and use chat.

Little by little, I became more comfortable using a computer and then moved on to more challenging things like making websites and html.

Later, I discovered blogging.

At first I didn’t know what I was doing, but I had a lot of friends online who were kind enough to help me.

My blogging evolved and soon I was addicted. I started with free hosting, for example Eventually, I got my own hosting.

Blogging for money is now very popular and a lot of people out there are doing it on their own hosting accounts. But the really serious big name bloggers invest in dedicated hosting. This is because a dedicated hosting server can give bloggers more control over what they do with their blogs.

This dedicated hosting site has put together the top 10 least expensive webhosting services on the internet. You can pick one that’s right for you without too much effort. You don’t have to search for the answers. It’s all right there for you!

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