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About The Forever Word

I’m a Christian who loves God and my family. I’m a Mother of 2 beautiful children, a 6 year old daughter and almost 2 year old son. I’m addicted to Digital Scrapbooking and Photography. I also love cooking, baking, gardening and anything that makes me excite like Blogging and travel!

“The Youth Summer Camp”

Our daughter has never been to summer Camp.  For the last couple of years, she has spent the month of July at her grandparent’s cottage.  However, my husband`s parents just informed us that they are planning to get rid of the cottage next year.  So that means that my daughter will not have the cottage to go to for half of the summer.

When my husband was in his teens, he went to summer camp for 2 weeks every year.  He likes to tell me that when he first went to camp, he didn`t want to go.  But after that first year and every year afterwards, he couldn`t stop talking about the great time he had – canoeing, swimming, going on overnight camping trips, eating in the great hall and so many other things.

Like my husband, when he was younger, going to summer camp might be a source of trepidation to many other kids of that age.  But I`d say that most kids soon discover that they don`t want to leave once they`re there.

In the case of my daughter, I have no doubt that my daughter wouldn’t be excited about the idea of going to summer camp.  Unlike my husband when he was younger, there aren`t very many things that scare her.  She is usually the first in line for activities such as swimming lessons, school trips, ballet lessons and other things.  So summer camp would be just another exciting adventure to her.

I haven`t looked in to a Youth Summer Camp for my daughter yet.  I`m not even sure that the camp my husband went to is still there or not.  When I get some more time, I will be checking out camps online in our area.

On another note, my husband went on to work at a summer camp for the summer as a swimming instructor.  He has fond memories of that time as well.  Perhaps my daughter will grow up loving summer camp so much that she will want to work at summer camp when she is old enough.

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